Available courses


1.      Course Code: U17CEI5201

2.      Mode: Blended Mode ( Theory + Practical)

3.     Title:  Environmental Engineering

4.      Type of Course: (Foundation/ Discipline/ Elective):  Foundation

5.      Cohort for which it is  compulsory5th Semester

6.       No of Credits: 4

7.       Semester and Year OfferedOdd semester /  2019

8.       Course Handling Faculty: Asst Prof. M.Jamuna / Email : jamuna.m.ce@kct.ac.in 

9.       Pace : Scheduled

10.     Pre-requisites: Nil

11.     Objectives:

               - To perform water characterization and to study the various water demand

               - To learn the various unit process and operation of water and wastewater

               - To understand the water distribution networks and plumbing system

               - To estimate the sewage weather flow conditions and hydraulics of sewer

12.     Brief description of modules/ Main modules: [ 60 Hours COURSE ]

13.     Learning Outcomes of the Course

               CO1: Plan and estimate public water supply system

               CO2: Design the various components of water treatment plants

               CO3: Design water distribution networks and service supply to buildings

               CO4: Estimate and design of sewage flow and plumbing system

               CO5: Design of septic tanks and the various components of sewage treatment plants

           List of Experiments (for water and wastewater):

               1. Introduction to standards, Collection, Preservation of samples and sampling Techniques - A Study Experiment

               2. Determination of pH

               3. Determination of conductivity

               4. Determination of Turbidity

               5. Determination of Acidity and alkalinity

               6. Determination of Hardness

               7. Determination of Residual Chlorine and Available Chlorine

               8. Determination of Sulphates

               9. Determination of Chlorides

               10. Determination of Optimum Coagulant Dosage

               11. Determination of Solids

               12. Determination of Oil and Grease

               13. Determination of Dissolved Oxygen

                14. Determination of Biochemical Oxygen Demand

                15. Determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand

                16. Determination of Iron

                17. Determination of Fluoride

 14.     Course Evaluation

Assessment Methods: Theory

                     1. Continuous Assessment Test I & II - 30%

                     2. Assignment, Group Discussion – 20% 

                     3. End Semester Examination - 50%        

Assessment Methods: Practical

                     1. Continuous Assessment Mark - 30%

                     2. Model Examination I & II - 20%

                     3. End Semester Examination - 50% 

15.       Suggested Readings

                      1. Garg, S.K., "Water Supply Engineering",  Khanna Publishers, 31 st Edition, 2017

                      2. Garg, S.K., "Sewage Disposal and Air Pollution (Environmental Engineering II)",  Khanna Publishers, 38th Edition, 2017

                      3. Peavt, H.S, Rowe, D.R, Tchobanoglous, G. "Environmental Engineering", Mc-Graw-Hill Indian Edition, New Yourk 1st Edition 2013

                      4. "Manual on water supply and treatment", Mininstry of Urban Development, New Delhi, 3rd Edition 2013

                      5. "Manual on Sewerage and sewage Treatment Systems", Part A, B and C, Central Public Health and Environmental Engineering Organization, Ministry of Urban Development, 3rd Edition 2013

                     6. APHA, AWWA Standard Methods for the Examination of water and wastewater, American Public Health Association, Washington, D.C, 22nd Edition, 2012. 

The "Advanced Design of Steel Structures" course is an in-depth exploration of the principles, techniques, and advanced methodologies involved in the design and analysis of steel structures. Geared towards engineering professionals and students with a foundational knowledge of structural engineering, this course delves into the intricacies of steel structures to enhance participants' understanding and proficiency in designing complex and high-performance steel-based constructions.

Course Outcome
After successful completion of this course, the students should be able to
CO1: design various types of connections for steel structural elements.
CO2: analyze and design cold-formed steel structural components.
CO3: analyze and design steel towers.
CO4: design special structures like steel chimney and bunkers and silos and analyse the structures for wind and earthquake forces for design loads.
CO5: Design composite beams, slabs and columns.

The field of strength of materials (also called mechanics of materials) typically refers to various methods of calculating the stresses and strains in structural members, such as beams, columns, and shafts. The methods employed to predict the response of a structure under loading and its susceptibility to various failure modes takes into account the properties of the materials such as its yield strengthultimate strengthYoung's modulus, and Poisson's ratio. In addition, the mechanical element's macroscopic properties (geometric properties) such as its length, width, thickness, boundary constraints and abrupt changes in geometry such as holes are considered.

The theory began with the consideration of the behavior of one and two dimensional members of structures, whose states of stress can be approximated as two dimensional, and was then generalized to three dimensions to develop a more complete theory of the elastic and plastic behavior of materials. An important founding pioneer in mechanics of materials was Stephen Timoshenko.

Course Objectives

• To gain knowledge about the various materials used for the construction work.

• To understand various types of foundation and masonry.

• To know the types of floors and roofs, plastering, damp proof courses and various support

structures adopted in building construction.

Course Outcome

After successful completion of this course, the students should be able to

CO1: Identify and suggest the suitable building material for construction of buildings

CO2: Understand the types and tests on cement and concrete

CO3: Classify the type of foundation and masonry

CO4: Understand the types of floors and roofs

CO5: Understand the appropriate supporting structures for building based on the need of the site

for carrying out the construction activity.

Course Outcome

After successful completion of this course, the students should be able to

CO1: Diagnose for serviceability and durability aspects of concrete.

CO2: Suggest the materials and techniques used for repair of structures.

CO3: Decide the appropriate repair, strengthening, rehabilitation and retrofitting technique required for a case study building

CO4: Recommend an appropriate health monitoring technique and demolition technique

Course Objectives

• The objective of this course is to know the basics of solid mechanics.

• To understand the concepts of mechanics of structures.

• To understand the behavior.

• Determine the internal forces and analyses the stresses of various structural elements under action of different types of forces.

Course Outcome

After successful completion of this course, the students should be able to

CO1: Apply the fundamental concepts of stress and strain in the analysis of various structural components and machines.

CO2: Analyze the beams to determine shear forces, bending moments.

CO3: Determine the bending, shear stresses and deflection produced in a beam

CO4: Analyze and design shafts and springs used in vehicles and structures

CO5: Find out the design forces in truss members.